Aquaporin Moisture Wash

Cleanses ▪︎ Strengthens the skin ▪︎ Provides moisture
kr 699 – subscription plans available
Aquaporin Moisture Wash

kr 699 – subscription plans available

Aquaporin Moisture Wash

Cleanses ▪︎ Strengthens the skin ▪︎ Provides moisture
kr 699 – subscription plans available
150 ml

This product gives 14 Beauty point!

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  • Discount for subscriptions are based on kr 699. Prices can change on a running subscription.
Aquaporin Moisture Wash - strengthens the water channels in your skin! Aquaporins are proteins that act as water channels in the skin. With a unique formula that works to strengthen the skin's moisture barrier and water channels, and which keeps it hydrated for more than 24 hours, this product is a must-have for those who want to maintain healthy and hydrated skin.
  • Clinically and dermatologically tested !
  • Suitable for everyone.
  • Strengthens the water channels
  • The bottle contains 3-4 months of daily use

  • LNDA+LAB brochure for all first-time buyers of the LAB series

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  • Akvaporiner er proteiner som fungerer som vannkanaler i huden. Disse kanalene er avgjørende for reguleringen av vanntransporten mellom hudcellene gjennom ulike lag av huden. Hovedfunksjonen deres er å transportere vannmolekyler inn og ut av cellene, og dette er ekstremt viktig for hudens hydrering og generelle helse.
  • Å styrke akvaporinene bidrar til å opprettholde hudens fuktighetsbalanse. Jo mer effektivt akvaporinene fungerer, desto bedre er hudens evne til å beholde fuktighet.
  • Dette betyr at ved å styrke disse vannkanalene, opprettholder og forbedrer vi hudens evne til å holde seg hydrert, myk og sunn.



Key features

  • Med en unik formel som inneholder nøkkelingredienser som Hydagen® Aquaporin, Betaine, Amino Acid Complex, Aloe Vera, Phytic Acid, Pro Vitamin B 5, og Hyaluronic Acid, jobber dette produktet aktivt for å sikre at huden din forblir hydrert og frisk hele dagen.

Clinical study

  • Hydagen® Aquaporin (2%): Stimulerer hudens akvaporiner, som er små vannkanaler, og sikrer en konstant tilførsel av fuktighet til huden.
  • Betaine (1,5%): Beroliger og fukter huden, og er spesielt gunstig for sensitiv hud.
  • Amino Acid Complex (1%): Strammer opp huden og bidrar til dens generelle helse.
  • Aloe Vera (1%): Gir beroligelse og ytterligere fuktighet til huden.
  • Phytic Acid, Pro Vitamin B 5, Hyaluronic Acid: Hjelper med å balansere og opprettholde hudens fuktighetsnivå.

How to do it

  • Stresset hud? Hvis du føler at huden din har blitt stresset av andre produkter, tørr luft eller vinterkulde vil denne skumrensen bidra til å berolige den. Bruk den morgen og kveld i en uke i kombinasjon med Antioxidant D-Tox Lotion og 24 Hour Repair Cream.
How to use

Useful info

Påfør to pump av skumrensen på tørr hud både morgen og kveld. Massér forsiktig og skyll deretter av med lunkent vann.

  • For en ekstra fuktighetsboost, påfør tre pump på ren hud og la det virke i 2 minutter før du skyller. Avslutt med en fuktighetsgivende toner for å låse inn fuktigheten.
  • Aquaporin Moisture Wash er skånsom og egnet for alle hudtyper, fra tørr til sensitiv hud.


Aqua, Coco Glucoside, Propylene Glycol, Glycerin, Betaine, Glyceryl Glucoside, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Extract, Sodium Levulinate, Citric Acid, Panthenol, Sodium Benzoate, Sodium Citrate, Sodium Phytate, Sodium Hyaluronate, Sodium Pca, Sodium Lactate, Pca, Serine, Alanine, Glycine, Glutamic Acid, Lysine, Threonine, Arginine, Potassium Sorbate, Proline

Suitable for

Perfect for

  • Normal
  • Dry/Very Dry
  • Sensitive / Rosacea
  • Combined / Blank
  • Cruelty Free
  • Paraben Free
  • Perfume free
  • Vegan

150 ml

Gives 0 BeautyPoints
  • More than 25 in stock
  • Free shipping on orders above 1500.-
  • Ships within 1 business day!
  • VIP-Club!

    As a VIP customer , you get several benefits, including free shipping on all orders regardless of size.
    Read more about how to become a VIP customer here >>

  • Fast shipping!

    We will send your package as soon as we can, and if we have your order before 12 noon on a business day, we will run to the warehouse and have it sent the same day. We send the package with DHL Express, and it takes 1-3 days.
    € 5 shipping cost / Free shipping on orders over € 200.
    Orders are delivered with no additional fees to pay: duty, tax and brokerage fees are included in the final basket price.

  • Fixed discount!

    With products at a fixed discount, you do not have to remember to order before you run out, we remember it for you. As a thank you for your loyalty, you get an extra discount on your regular delivery, and of course you get the package sent automatically.

    There is no binding, you can cancel or change the delivery interval on your Profile page - completely stress-free 🙂


Fast levering

Aquaporin Moisture Wash

Free shipping on all regular deliveries
You decide the interval yourself

First delivery
kr 699 (0%)
Others and beyond
kr 559 (20%)

Have your favorites on fixed delivery
- get a good discount!
You decide the interval yourself and there is of course no binding period.

Interval - You choose whether you want delivery every 2, 3 or 4 months *
This can be adjusted afterwards in "my account".

Total delivery? - If you order several products in the same order, these will be sent at the same time going forward. That way you can get everything in the same package.

There is free shipping on all regular deliveries!

Increasing discount gives…
First delivery = 10% discount *
Second and further = 20-25% discount *

Cancel at any time without a commitment period by logging in to "your page".

*Boosters are delivered every 1, 2 and 3 months
*The LAB series gives a maximum 20% discount
*The LAB series gives a discount from purchase no. 2

Note; When fixed delivery is interrupted, you "go back to the start" with a 0-10% discount.

We know skin

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