Flawless Base Kit

Flawless foundation + Concealer
kr 898
Flawless Base Kit

kr 898

Flawless Base Kit

Flawless foundation + Concealer
This product gives 18 Beauty point!

Flawless Foundation

  • - Light with neutral to cold undertone

    Skincare infused makeup! Flawless Foundation is our super-bestseller because of its natural, moisture-retaining and semi-covering texture. Full of skin care ingredients such as Vit E, Vit C, Ginseng, peptides, ferulic acid and plant extracts. It doesn't settle into pores and lines, and it makes imperfect skin look absolutely stunning. We promise!

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  • - Light with neutral to warm undertone

    Skincare infused makeup! Flawless Foundation is our super-bestseller because of its natural, moisture-retaining and semi-covering texture. Full of skin care ingredients such as Vit E, Vit C, Ginseng, peptides, ferulic acid and plant extracts. It doesn't settle into pores and lines, and it makes imperfect skin look absolutely stunning. We promise!

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  • - Medium light with neutral to warm undertone

    Skincare infused makeup! Flawless Foundation is our super-bestseller because of its natural, moisture-retaining and semi-covering texture. Full of skin care ingredients such as Vit E, Vit C, Ginseng, peptides, ferulic acid and plant extracts. It doesn't settle into pores and lines, and it makes imperfect skin look absolutely stunning. We promise!

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  • - Medium with neutral undertone

    Skincare infused makeup! Flawless Foundation is our super-bestseller because of its natural, moisture-retaining and semi-covering texture. Full of skin care ingredients such as Vit E, Vit C, Ginseng, peptides, ferulic acid and plant extracts. It doesn't settle into pores and lines, and it makes imperfect skin look absolutely stunning. We promise!

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  • - Medium with cold undertone (formerly medium gold)

    Skincare infused makeup! Flawless Foundation is our super-bestseller because of its natural, moisture-retaining and semi-covering texture. Full of skin care ingredients such as Vit E, Vit C, Ginseng, peptides, ferulic acid and plant extracts. It doesn't settle into pores and lines, and it makes imperfect skin look absolutely stunning. We promise!

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  • - Medium with neutral warm undertone

    Skincare infused makeup! Flawless Foundation is our super-bestseller because of its natural, moisture-retaining and semi-covering texture. Full of skin care ingredients such as Vit E, Vit C, Ginseng, peptides, ferulic acid and plant extracts. It doesn't settle into pores and lines, and it makes imperfect skin look absolutely stunning. We promise!

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  • - Medium deep with warm and yellow undertone

    Skincare infused makeup! Flawless Foundation is our super-bestseller because of its natural, moisture-retaining and semi-covering texture. Full of skin care ingredients such as Vit E, Vit C, Ginseng, peptides, ferulic acid and plant extracts. It doesn't settle into pores and lines, and it makes imperfect skin look absolutely stunning. We promise!

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  • - Medium deep with neutral to warm undertone

    Skincare infused makeup! Flawless Foundation is our super-bestseller because of its natural, moisture-retaining and semi-covering texture. Full of skin care ingredients such as Vit E, Vit C, Ginseng, peptides, ferulic acid and plant extracts. It doesn't settle into pores and lines, and it makes imperfect skin look absolutely stunning. We promise!

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  • - Deep with neutral to warm undertone (formerly medium tan)

    Skincare infused makeup! Flawless Foundation is our super-bestseller because of its natural, moisture-retaining and semi-covering texture. Full of skin care ingredients such as Vit E, Vit C, Ginseng, peptides, ferulic acid and plant extracts. It doesn't settle into pores and lines, and it makes imperfect skin look absolutely stunning. We promise!

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Cover up Concealer

  • - Neutralizes bluishness under eyes 

    Cover Up Concealer (formerly Hide It Concealer) is a moisturizing concealer that covers various types of irregularities with a natural and flawless result. It hides dark circles under the eyes, redness and impurities.

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  • - For light and light / medium skin

    Cover Up Concealer (formerly Hide It Concealer) is a moisturizing concealer that covers various types of irregularities with a natural and flawless result. It hides dark circles under the eyes, redness and impurities.

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  • - For medium to deep skin

    Cover Up Concealer (formerly Hide It Concealer) is a moisturizing concealer that covers various types of irregularities with a natural and flawless result. It hides dark circles under the eyes, redness and impurities.

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You must choose at least 2 PRODUCTS
Flawless Foundation is our super best-seller because of its natural, moisturizing and semi-opaque texture. In this package you get your choice of color of Cover up concealer. It covers various types of unevenness with a natural and flawless result. Full of skincare ingredients such as Peptides, Vit E and C, Hyaluronic Acid, and Caffeine that increases microcirculation in the skin. It hides dark circles under the eyes, redness and impurities without settling into lines.

  • This is the super brush when you want "invisible" makeup. It is the same type of hair as in my foundation brush and the application is the same. Use this for concealer around the eye area, or for eye shadow.

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More about the Flawless Foundation


Skincare infused makeup! Flawless Foundation er vår super-bestselger pga av dens naturlige, fuktbevarende og semi-dekkende tekstur. Full av hudpleieingredienser som Vit E, Vit C, Ginseng, peptider, ferulinsyre og planteekstrakter. Den legger seg ikke i porer og linjer, og den får ikke-perfekt hud til å se helt fantastisk ut. Vi lover!


Mer om Cover up Concealer

Key features

Cover Up Concealer er en fuktighetsgivende concealer som dekker ulike typer ujevnheter med et naturlig og feilfritt resultat. Full av hudpleieingredienser som Peptider, Vit E og C, Hyaluronsyre, og Koffein som øker mikrosirkulasjonen i huden. Den skjuler mørke ringer under øynene, rødhet og urenheter uten å legge seg i linjene.


How to do it

Start alltid med å påføre Face Primer for å «lime» foundation til huden. Klem ut 1-1,5 ert foundation på håndbaken. Bruk enden av håndtaket på Foundation Brush og «tap» små «dutter» av produkt rundt i ansiktet. Bruk kosten og sveip foundation lett og raskt inn i huden. Ikke legg trykk på kosten, men la de små ytterhårene gjøre jobben og du får et «flawless» resultat.

Klem ut en bitteliten ert Concealer på baksiden av hånden, bruk en liten kost eller rene fingertupper for å påføre. Klapp inn produktet med små, lette sveip. Press lett for å få concealeren til å smelte inn i huden og for en jevn overgang uten kanter. Påføres etter foundation. Fiksér med pudder.

For å nøytralisere blåfarge trenger man fargen korall. Er du blå under øynene og kun bruker en lys concealer vil huden se grå ut. Derfor må blåfargen først nøytraliseres. For blåhet under øyne velger du Light Peach. Til å dekke generelle ujevnheter i huden velger du LIGHT/MEDIUM hvis du er lys og MEDIUM hvis du har en litt dypere hudtone.

LIGHT PEACH – Nøytraliserer blåhet under øyne
LIGHT MEDIUM – Til lys og lys/medium hud
MEDIUM – Til medium/tan hud

Avslutt med Superfine Powder for å fiksere/sette foundation slik at den holder seg i mange timer.

Gives 0 BeautyPoints
  • More than 25 in stock
  • Free shipping on orders above 1500.-
  • Ships within 1 business day!
  • Fast shipping!

    We will send your package as soon as we can, and if we have your order before 12 noon on a business day, we will run to the warehouse and have it sent the same day. We send the package with DHL Express, and it takes 1-3 days.
    € 5 shipping cost / Free shipping on orders over € 200.
    Orders are delivered with no additional fees to pay: duty, tax and brokerage fees are included in the final basket price.

Linda's tips

Flawless Foundation

Flawless Foundation is our super-bestseller because of its natural, moisture-retaining and semi-covering texture. Full of skin care ingredients such as Vit E, Vit C, Ginseng, peptides, ferulic acid and plant extracts. It doesn't settle into pores and lines, and it makes imperfect skin look absolutely stunning. We promise!

We know skin

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