Eye Booster Kit

kr 1 388
Eye Booster Kit

kr 1 388

Eye Booster Kit

Products in this bundle

  • Required

    Eye Radiance Cream (old name: DermaLift eye cream) will visibly improve skin tone and elasticity around the eyes with 1% Bakuchiol (natural retinol) and growth factor . It evens out the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and reduces dark circles and swelling.

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  • Required

    Strengthens the skin, prevents early signs of aging Multi Peptide Skin Booster with as many as 7 different peptides is suitable for everyone who has passed 25-30 years, ie when the aging process starts. The skin is strengthened and acts firmer, and the elasticity is increased. Suitable for all skin types. Multi Peptide Booster is specifically aimed at both preventing and repairing signs of aging in the skin, such as uneven skin tone, fine lines and wrinkles. Mix 1-2 drops in serum or cream and voila, you have boosted your skin care.

    • Repairs and protects
    • Treats uneven skin tone and fine lines
    • The skin is strengthened and acts firmer

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Eye Radiance Cream

Eye Radiance Cream (old name: DermaLift eye cream) will visibly improve skin tone and elasticity around the eyes with 1% Bakuchiol (natural retinol) and growth factor . It evens out the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and reduces dark circles and swelling.

Multi Peptide Skin Booster

Strengthens the skin, prevents early signs of aging Multi Peptide Skin Booster with as many as 7 different peptides is suitable for everyone who has passed 25-30 years, ie when the aging process starts. The skin is strengthened and acts firmer, and the elasticity is increased. Suitable for all skin types. Multi Peptide Booster is specifically aimed at both preventing and repairing signs of aging in the skin, such as uneven skin tone, fine lines and wrinkles. Mix 1-2 drops in serum or cream and voila, you have boosted your skin care.

  • Repairs and protects
  • Treats uneven skin tone and fine lines
  • The skin is strengthened and acts firmer

This product gives 28 Beauty point!
Om du ønsker en liten ekstra effekt av Eye Radiance Cream vil vi anbefale å parre den med Multi Peptide Booster. Sammen gir de både krutt og kjærlighet til øyepartiet og lærer huden til å oppføre seg yngre! 

The package contains


Eye Radiance Cream 10ml

Multi Peptide Skin Booster 15ml

Om Eye Radiance Cream

Key features

Eye Radiance Cream vil synlig forbedre hudtone og elastisitet rundt øynene med 0.15% Retinyl Palmitate (Retinol) og vekstfaktor. Den jevner ut fremkomsten av fine linjer og rynker og reduserer mørke ringer og hovenhet.

  • Jevner ut fine linjer
  • Stimulerer cellenes vitalitet 
  • Reduserer mørke ringer og hevelse
Om Multi Peptide Skin Booster

Clinical study

Gjør huden fastere og sterkere! Multi Peptide Skin Booster med hele 7 forskjellige peptider som styrker huden og gjør den fastere ved at elastisiteten økes. Multi Peptide Booster retter seg spesifikt mot å både forebygge og reparere aldringstegn i huden, som feks ujevn hudtone, fine linjer og rynker. Kan også brukes rundt øyene.

  • Klinisk og dermatologisk testet!
Gives 0 BeautyPoints
  • More than 25 in stock
  • Free shipping on orders above 1500.-
  • Ships within 1 business day!
  • Fast shipping!

    We will send your package as soon as we can, and if we have your order before 12 noon on a business day, we will run to the warehouse and have it sent the same day. We send the package with DHL Express, and it takes 1-3 days.
    € 5 shipping cost / Free shipping on orders over € 200.
    Orders are delivered with no additional fees to pay: duty, tax and brokerage fees are included in the final basket price.

Linda's tips

Dermalift Eye Cream

For those of you who want "yes thank you, both" for both gunpowder and love for the eye area, it is perfect with Peptide Eye pen (concentrated eye serum) below and this eye cream above.

We know skin

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