That's why I swear to salicylic acid!
For me who was born with an oily skin type, I can say with certainty that little about my skin has irritated me as much as my large pores. Like most girls, you almost get obsessed with these small holes in the skin, and they get an undeserved amount of attention. Both by me and others like me.
There is a lot to say about pores, and one thing is for sure, there are many myths about them! First, our pores cannot be opened or closed as many people think, but they can be made less visible once they have become large.
The pores are enlarged by being filled with sebum, fat, dead skin cells and makeup that is not removed daily. If you are bad at cleansing and scrubbing your skin, it is likely that your pores are more visible. The more that are pushed down in there, the bigger they get. It's like the stomach, the more you eat the bigger it gets!
My rescue is salicylic acid! Salicylic acid is a real "superstar" when it comes to pores, shiny skin and impurities. You can compare it to taking the cleaning brush down into the pores and cleaning from the inside. Salicylic acid is a fat-soluble BHA acid that exfoliates the surface of the skin and dissolves blockages in the pores that lead to blackheads, pimples and white bumps. In addition, it gives you a clearer skin and minimizes the appearance of pores on the face. In this way, the pores return to their normal appearance and become less prominent.
Jeg har utviklet flere produkter med salisylsyre som hovedingrediens. Produktene er ikke bare for dem med kviser, de kan brukes av alle som opplever store porer eller en kvise i ny og ne. Da skal man bare ikke bruke alle produktene, men plukke det man trenger. Selv bruker jeg Salisylic Face Wash og Salicylic Tonic daglig. Spot Killer kan jeg aldri være foruten – du vet aldri når en kvise dukker opp! På dagtid bruker jeg Salicylic Cream for å få mattere hud (mindre blank) iblandet solkrem. Healing Cream bruker jeg ofte på kveld for å lindre huden.
Husk at du alltid kan kontakte oss på e-post eller i sosiale medier hvis du trenger ekstra veiledning med din hud, og hva som passer dine porer best.
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