Large pores
16 products
Salicylic Tonic
- Moisturizing and exfoliating
- Antibacterial
- Pore cleansing
Ice Globe Face Shapers
- Reduces pores
- Used hot and cold
- Gives an uplifting effect
Niacinamide 20% Serum
- Gives smoother skin
- Prevents pigmentation
- Slows skin aging
Daily Exfoliation Lotion 10%
- AHA strength 2 - MEDIUM ‣
- Medical skin care
- ▪︎ Exfoliates and balances
- ▪︎ Reduces pores
- ▪︎ Clinically tested
AHA Cleanse-Duo
- Clean and peel ‣
- Medical skin care
- ▪︎ Exfoliates and balances
- ▪︎ Strengthens the skin barrier
- ▪︎ Provides moisture and glow
Renewal Cream Daily 10%
- AHA strength 2 - MEDIUM ‣
- Medical skin care
- ▪︎ Gives smoother skin
- ▪︎ Reduces lines and pores
- ▪︎ Clinically tested