Can I use +LAB
products in the summer?
"Should I put away products with active ingredients in the summer?"
This is a question we often get. Not without reason, because it has been said for many years. But recent research and experiences with active products from warmer regions suggest otherwise.
Ingredients such as AHA acids and retinol have been advised against using in the summer here in Norway. But it is used by those who live both in Spain and other countries that bathe in the sun's rays all year round. The difference has been the WAY we are out in the sun. Fortunately, there are not so many people who lie down and sunbathe their faces with low or no sun protection factor anymore. We have learned.
We have learned that if we want healthy skin without unnecessary loss of elasticity, deep lines and wrinkles and irritating pigment spots, it pays to use a high sun protection factor every day. Preferably also stay in the shade while the sun is at its strongest. Use a sun hat, parasol and sunglasses diligently. Apply sunscreen every two hours if you are in direct sunlight. If you do this, you can safely use strong ingredients such as AHA and retinol products in the evening throughout the summer.
"What is important to think about to protect the skin in the summer?"
It is using "solar common sense". Sol-wise means that you apply sunscreen every day. If you are not in direct sunlight a lot, a day cream with factor is fine. If you are going to be in the sun a lot, you must have your own sunscreen. This must be repeated every two hours if you are in direct sunlight, because the sun "eats" up sunscreen in about 2 hours. Whether it is factor 30 or factor 50 does not matter much (small difference in protection), what matters is how much and how often you lubricate. In addition, a sun hat, parasol and sunglasses are advisable.
If you take your precautions, the LAB products will ensure that your skin becomes stronger and withstands the sun during the day even better. Believe me - it is much more expensive to repair the sun damage when the autumn comes, than to look after a good skin routine throughout the summer.
"Which LAB products are extra beneficial to use throughout the summer?"
Some of the LAB products are great to use in the summer, even if you are a little careless with sun protection. Aquaporine Moisture wash and D-tox Antioxidant Lotion both moisturize and protect the skin against drying out and sun damage. C+ Serum Forte 35% helps the skin to protect itself from pollution, sun damage and oxidative stress. Great to use under sunscreen!
Multi Vitamin face oil is an antioxidant oil packed with vitamins and active ingredients to reduce lines and wrinkles, tighten and improve elasticity, even out skin tone and give clear, plump skin with a fresh glow. The serum neutralizes harmful free radicals, improves radiance and maximizes skin regeneration overnight. For some, oils may sound like a lot when it's summer and hot, but the sun dries out the skin, so oils in a thin layer in the evening are like nourishment for the skin.
24 Hour repair cream is a cream with niacinamide, beta glucan and growth factor that strengthens the skin, reduces pigmentation, calms down and reduces pores and lines. It has been specially developed so that it can also be used by hypersensitive skin, or skin that is just very dry. The skin is strengthened, repaired, protected and soothed after using acids and retinol. Or a day in the sun!
A sure sign of summer is that the pigment spots peek out. With Pigment Control serum , the production of melanin will be suppressed so that the skin becomes smoother and dark spots lighten. It effectively tackles existing dark spots, but it also helps prevent the formation of new pigmentation, resulting in a sustained improvement in skin tone over time.
TIP: Age Reverse Duo – Mild, with the lovely oil full of antioxidants and vitamins, combined with the nurturing, soothing and repairing moisturiser, is great in the evening throughout the summer. Especially for those of you who like to be outside a lot, but at the same time you don't want to compromise on antiaging.