Ferulic Acid
Ferulinic acid is an antioxidant that increases the effect of other antioxidants. When used in skin care products, it helps protect skin quality by reducing the development of fine lines, pigment spots and wrinkles.
5 products
C+ Serum Forte 25%
- C Vitamin Cocktail ‣
- Medisinsk hudpleie
- ▪︎ Reduserer pigment og linjer
- ▪︎ Beskytter cellene
- ▪︎ Klinisk testet
Antioxidant D-Tox Lotion
- Antioksidant-beskyttelse ‣
- Medisinsk hudpleie
- ▪︎ Detoxer huden
- ▪︎ Gir fuktighet
- ▪︎ Klinisk testet
15% Vitamin C Skin Booster
- Clinically tested
- Med 0,2% Ferulic Acid
- Kraftig antioksidant
- Jevner hudtonen